Tip: Before you apply a different color, you can quickly preview how that color affects the chart. To use a different fill color, under Theme Colors or Standard Colors, click the color that you want to use. On the Format tab, in the Shape Styles group, click Shape Fill. On a chart, select the individual data marker that you want to change. Vary individual data marker colors manually
To display all data points of a data series in the same color on a pie chart or donut chart, clear the Vary colors by slice check box. To vary the colors of data markers in a single-series chart, select the Vary colors by point check box. In the Format Data Series pane, click the Fill & Line tab, expand Fill, and then do one of the following: On the Format tab, in the Current Selection group, click Format Selection. In a chart, click to select the data series for which you want to change the colors. Automatically vary all data marker colors by point or by slice For more information about choosing and adding charts, see Available chart types in Office.
Important: To successfully complete these procedures, you must have an existing chart.